5 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
Every day, the power of marketing on social media grows exponentially. Everyone is comin’ around. (see below for back-up)
We are social. As a result, social media marketing grows, BUT becomes more challenging. Why? Because we’re all fighting for space in that screen time.

Facebook is one of the most effective mediums for marketing, yet, one of the hardest to be seen on. This makes it crucial to take a hard look at your social media strategy. Below, we outline 5 ways that you can improve upon your strategy:
1. Set (& Understand) Your Goals
Every marketing plan needs defined goals. Without them, you aren’t likely to accomplish anything. So, make sure you know what you’re trying to achieve. Are you going for fan growth? Brand awareness? Website clicks? Video views? Building customer loyalty? How does social media play a part in these goals? Set one or two goals, and develop a plan to meet them.
2. Make the Most of Customer Service Opportunities!
I’m sure that by now, you know that social media chatter is one of top referrals, for consumers. People are looking for what others are saying. Read the comments on a popular ad that pops up in your Facebook newsfeed. I guarantee you that you will find die hard lovers and haters of the product or service. Typically, you’ll see a mass of one or the other. And when the mass is positive, other people buy what the ad is selling. The comments sell better than the ad, itself, many times. What does this mean for you? Keep up with ad and post comments, and see how you can help potential customers. Inform, assist, and make things right, when they go wrong. Don’t hide every bad comment that is posted. Be genuine. You can make a lifelong brand advocate from a disgruntled customer, when you right a wrong.
3. Tighten Up Your Overall Branding
When you’re branding social media pages, and posting new content, it can get easy for the overall look-and-feel to get messy. Set a recurring reminder for yourself, (maybe every 2 weeks?) to look over your accounts, and posts, and make sure everything fits the brand’s style guide. Canva is a great tool, for designing, and saving templates, PS.
4. Evaluate (& Re-evaluate) Your Audience
Who are you marketing to? You’ve heard this time and time again: if you aren’t showing your content to the right people, then your content is pointless. And it’s true. With so many new targeting options in the social media world, it’s also easier now than ever, to hit your target. But before you go into those tools, do some research, to make sure you know WHO and why. Check out Facebook Audience Insights and Google Analytics, to help analyze your audience.
5. Incorporate Video
Video content. It’s all the rage. Why? 1. Priority in newsfeed. 2. Custom audience options, based on who has engaged, and for how long. 3. They’re informational! Videos do a great job of explaining who your business is. So, figure out a way to incorporate video into your strategy, and cross-promote it. If you don’t have ready-made videos to pick from, make some. Animoto is a great tool (and easy to use!) for producing your own high quality videos, and slideshows. Make sure you’re saving those viewer audiences, for future targeting.
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